Inside GNSS: Engineering solutions from the global navigation satellite system community

Varying Form of Title: InsideGNSS

Signature: 50247
ISSN: 1559-503X

Published: Eugene : Gibbons Media and Research, LLC , 2014-
Annotation: INSIDE GNSS magazine covers the policies, programs, engineering, and most challenging applications of the Global Navigation Satellite Systems: GPS, Galileo, GLONASS, BeiDou, and related technologies.
Annotation: INSIDE GNSS magazine covers the policies, programs, engineering, and most challenging applications of the Global Navigation Satellite Systems: GPS, Galileo, GLONASS, BeiDou, and related technologies.

Keywords: GNSS ; GPS ; Galileo ; Glonass ; Beidou
Publication type: časopisy
Notes: studovna

The record appears in these collections:
Library VÚGTK > Periodicals

 Record created 2015-01-22, last modified 2016-09-13

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