Bibliografie VÚGTK
Status of the International Gravity Reference System and Frame
Pálinkáš, Vojtech

Zdroj: Journal of Geodesy : 95. (1), 9 s. ISSN: 0949-7714

Typ publikace: článek v časopise
Rozsah: 9 stran

The increasing importance of terrestrial gravimetry in monitoring global change processes, in providing a reference for satellite measurements and in applications in metrology necessitates a stable reference system reflecting the measurement accuracy achievable by modern gravimeters. Therefore, over the last decade, the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) has developed a system to achieve accurate, homogeneous, long-term global recording of Earth’s gravity, while taking advantage of the potential of today’s absolute gravity measurements. The current status of the International Gravity Reference System and Frame is presented as worked out by the IAG Joint Working Group 2.1.1 “Establishment of a global absolute gravity reference system” during the period 2015–2019. Here, the system is defined by the instantaneous acceleration of free-fall, expressed in the International System of Units (SI) and a set of conventional corrections for the time-independent components of gravity effects. The frame as the systems realization includes a set of conventional temporal gravity corrections which represent a uniform set of minimum requirements. Measurements with absolute gravimeters, the traceability of which is ensured by comparisons and monitoring at reference stations, provide the basis of the frame. A global set of such stations providing absolute gravity values at the microgal level is the backbone of the frame.

Citace: PÁLINKÁS̆, Vojtech. Status of the International Gravity Reference System and Frame. Journal of Geodesy [online]. 2021, 95(1) [cit. 2021-06-29]. ISSN 0949-7714. Dostupné z: doi:10.1007/s00190-020-01438-9

Záznam se nachází v těchto sbírkách:
Výsledky VÚGTK > Vědečtí výzkumníci > Ing. Vojtěch Pálinkáš, Ph.D.
Výsledky VÚGTK > Podle útvarů / oddělení > 24: Geodézie a geodynamika
Dokumentační centrum VÚGTK > Články VÚGTK
Výsledky VÚGTK > Výsledky RIV

 Záznam vytvořen 2021-06-29, poslední editace 2022-06-21

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