Bibliografie VÚGTK
The GOP DORIS analysis center: data processing and innovation strategy
Filler, Vratislav ; Štěpánek, Petr

Typ publikace: anotace
Rozsah: 1 strana

The Geodetic Observatory Pecný (GOP) analysis center of the International DORIS Service (IDS) has participated in the ITRF2020 IDS DORIS data reprocessing. This participation followed previous contributions for the ITRF2014 and ITRF2008. The processing standards have changed since the ITRF2014 realization, in particular by switching to data processing based on RINEX observation files, keeping compatibility with the recent operational version of the IERS2010 conventions and with the IDS recommendations. The orbit parametrization and various models have been updated to reach the recent highest standards. The analysis strategy is completely independent of the auxiliary information from the data provider such as quality indicators and center of mass corrections. Several testing campaigns have been performed to optimize the strategy. Jason-1 data have been completely excluded, while SPOT-5 data have fully contributed. A specific strategy for handling the South Atlantic Anomaly was applied for the satellites SPOT-5 and Jason-3. When compared to the GOP solution for ITRF2014, changes in modeling and processing strategy resulted in several significant improvements in the solution statistics and the series of estimated parameters as the stability of the scale and the scattering of the translation series. The analysis of the WRMS of the station position residuals confirmed improvements in particular between mid-2002 and mid-2008 (reduction by more than 1 mm) and after mid-2008 (reduction by about 3 mm). The decrease of the standard deviations in the estimated pole coordinate series reaches 40 percent after adding of Jason-2 in mid-2008.Geodesy Observatory Pecný (GOP) analysis center is one of the International DORIS Service (IDS) analysis centers. GOP fully contributed to the IDS combination of the ITRF2020, reaching various improvements in comparison to the ITRF2014 reprocessing. GOP also participates in the IDS operational solutions. A major progress has been reached in the data preprocessing strategy, South Atlantic Anomaly mitigation and satellite orbit & attitude modeling. improvements in the internal strategy together with an updating of external models to the recent standards resulted in the significant improvement in the station positioning including of the stability of the transformation parameter time series. Also the pole coordinates estimation accuracy has been increased. This improvement is illustrated comparing the statistics of GOP contributions to the IDS combination for the ITRF2014 and ITRF2020. Important improvement in the GOP processing capability is the adaption of the software tools to the RINEX data processing, getting closer to raw DORIS measurement. In addition, we present initial results of the data processing and a modeling verification for the post-ITRF2020 data from the DORIS satellites Sentinel-6A, HY-2C and HY-2D.

Citace: FILLER, Vratislav a ŠTĚPÁNEK, Petr. The GOP DORIS analysis center: data processing and innovation strategy.2022. Dostupný také:

Záznam se nachází v těchto sbírkách:
Výsledky VÚGTK > Podle útvarů / oddělení > 24: Geodézie a geodynamika
Výsledky VÚGTK > Vědečtí výzkumníci > Ing. Petr Štěpánek, Ph.D.
Výsledky VÚGTK > Vědečtí výzkumníci > Ing. Vratislav Filler, Ph.D.
Dokumentační centrum VÚGTK > Články VÚGTK
Výsledky VÚGTK > Výsledky RIV

 Záznam vytvořen 2023-11-23, poslední editace 2023-11-23

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