Bibliografie VÚGTK
Trop-NET system for near real-time troposphere monitoring using GNSS observations
Douša, Jan

Typ publikace: software

Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) proved to be a very useful measurement technique for monitoring the lower atmosphere (troposphere). The Trop-NET system has been developed at the Geodetic Observatory Pecny (GOP) of the Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography for the near real-time estimates of the tropospheric parameters. In the background, the system exploits the Bernese GNSS Software and its processing engine while utilizing a network processing mode and double-difference observations. National, pan-European and global solutions are routinely processed with the TropNET at GOP. The system has also been designed for a distributed processing, hence several partners installed it (with our support) at their facility and contributes (or contributed) with a specific national solutions to the E-GVAP (e.g. Slovakia, Bulgaria, Greece, and Turkey, Iceland and Estonia in past). The Trop-NET system design is described at

Citace: DOUŠA, Jan. Trop-NET system for near real-time troposphere monitoring using GNSS observations [software]. 2021. Dostupné z:

Záznam se nachází v těchto sbírkách:
Výsledky VÚGTK > Podle útvarů / oddělení > 24: Geodézie a geodynamika
Výsledky VÚGTK > Vědečtí výzkumníci > Ing. Jan Douša, Ph.D.
Dokumentační centrum VÚGTK > Články VÚGTK
Výsledky VÚGTK > Výsledky RIV

 Záznam vytvořen 2023-11-27, poslední editace 2023-11-27

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