Čislennyje metody i programmrovanie na Fortrane

Varying Form of Title: Numerical Methods and FORTRAN Programming with application in engineering and science (Orig.)
McCracken, Daniel. D.

Signature: 34058
Published: Moskva: Mir, 1969

Extent: 582 s.
Notes: 1 sv., Orig.: John Wiley, New York, 1965, viz: Mak - Kraken, D.; Aut.: Dorn, William, Orig.: McCracken, Daniel D., Dorn, William S., Perevod s anglijskogo B. N. Kazaka, pod redakcijej i s dopolnenijem B. M. Najmarka

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 Record created 2014-01-11, last modified 2018-11-27

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