Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK 1,038 záznamu nalezeno  začátekpředchozí1029 - 1038  přeskočit na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 

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1029. 7.United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Far East. Tokyo, 15-27 October 1973. Vol. 2.:Technical papers / Department of Economic and Social Affairs ; 7.United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Far East. Tokyo, 15-27 October 1973
New York: United Nations, 1976
Signatura: K40686
1030. 7.United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Far East. Tokyo, 15-27 October 1973. Vol. 2.:Technical papers / Department of Economic and Social Affairs ; 7.United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Far East. Tokyo, 15-27 October 1973
New York: United Nations, 1976
Signatura: K40686
1031. 7 000 High-Perfomance. Drafting System / Symposium of the ICA Commission III on the automation in cartography, Budapest, August 1973
Anahein: Calcomp, 1973
Signatura: K37024
1032. 4th International Symposium Geodesy and Physics of the Earth GDR Karl - Marx - Stadt, May 12th - 17th 1980. Proceedings. Part III / 4th International Symposium Geodesy and Physics of the Earth GDR Karl - Marx - Stadt, May 12th - 17th 1980
Potsdam: Zentralinstitut für Physik der Erde, 1981
Signatura: K43280/III
1033. 4th International Symposium Geodesy and Physics of the Earth GDR. Karl - Marx - Stadt, May 12th - 17th, 1980. Proceedings. Part I / 4th International Symposium Geodesy and Physics of the Earth GDR. Karl - Marx - Stadt, May 12th - 17th, 1980
Potsdam: Zentralinstitut für Physik der Erde, 1981
Signatura: K43280/I
1034. 3rd International Symposium Geodesy and Physics of the Earth. GDR Weimar, October 25th - 31st, 1976. Proceedings Part 2 / 3rd International Symposium Geodesy and Physics of the Earth. GDR Waimar, October 25th - 31st, 1976
Postsdam: Zentr. inst. f. Phys. d. Erde, 1977
Signatura: 40600
1035. 3rd International Symposium Geodesy and Physic of the Earth. GDR Weimar, October 25 th - 31 st, 1976. Proceedings Part 1 / 3rd Intarnational Symposium Geodesy and Physics of the Earth. GDR Weimar, October 25 th - 31 st, 1976
Potsdam: Zentralinst. f . Phys. d. Erde, 1977
Signatura: 40600
1036. 3rd International Symphosium Geodesy and Physics of the Eart. GDR Weimar, October 25th - 31st, 1976. Proceedings Part 3 / 3rd International Symposium Geodesy and Physics of the Earth. GDR Weimar, October 25th - 31st, 1976
Potsdam: Zentr. Inst. f. Phys. d. Erde, 1977
Signatura: 40600
1037. 2nd continental workshop on the geoid in Europe Budapest, Hungary, March 10 - 14, 1998 : Proceedings / Vermeer, Martin ; Ádám, József ; 2 nd continental workshop on the geoid in Europe Budapest, March 10 - 14, 1998
Masala: Fin. Geod. Inst., 1998
Signatura: K48486
1038. 2. United Nationas Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas. Mexico City, 3-14 September 1979. Vol. 2. Technical Papers / 2. United Nationas Regional Cartographic Conference for the Americas. Mexico City, 3-14 September 1979
New York: UN, 1984
Signatura: K44792/II

Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK : 1,038 záznamu nalezeno   začátekpředchozí1029 - 1038  přeskočit na záznam:
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