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Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK 32 záznamu nalezeno  začátekpředchozí23 - 32  přeskočit na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
23. Cartographie statistique au Bureau de recensement des Etats - Unis / Klove, R.C. ; Third International Conference on Cartography,of the ICA,Amsterdam, 17 - 22 April,1967
Washington: Ministére de commerce des États - Unis, 1967
Signatura: K30903
24. Cartographical terms - an indicator of development of the cartographical science and practice / Komkov, A.M. ; Third International Conference on Cartography,of the ICA,Amsterdam, 17 - 22 April,1967
Moskva: AN SSSR, 1967
Signatura: 30888
25. Cartographic perimeters / Heath, W.R. ; Third International Conference on Cartography,of the ICA,Amsterdam, 17 - 22 April,1967
Washington: Univ. of Washington, Dep. of Geography, 1967
Signatura: K30886
26. Automation of the compilation technology of the original geographical (topographical) maps / Vasmoot, A.S. ; Third International Conference on Cartography,of the ICA,Amsterdam, 17 - 22 April,1967
Moskva: AN SSSR, 1967
Signatura: 30891
27. Aspects psychologiques de la couleur dans la cartographie / Robinson, A.H. ; Third International Conference on Cartography,of the ICA,Amsterdam, 17 - 22 April,1967
USA: Univ.of Wiskonsin, 1967
Signatura: K30881
28. Art in cartography / Imhof, E. ; Third International Conference on Cartography, of the ICA, Amsterdam, 17 - 22 April, 1967
Zürich: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology -Atlas of Switzerland, 1967
Signatura: K30877
29. Application of fotoluminiscence in cartography / Chaloogin, E.I. ; Third International Conference on Cartography,of the ICA,Amsterdam, 17 - 22 April,1967
Moscow: Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1967
Signatura: K30884
30. Aesthetic and utilitarian aspects of colour in cartography / Makowski, A. ; Third International Conference on Cartography,of the ICA,Amsterdam, 17 - 22 April,1967
Warsaw: Polish Association of Surveyors, 1967
Signatura: K30882
31. A feasibility study of accuracies, store sizes and operation time / Richardson, Ann M. ; Rollett, J. S. ; Third International Conference on Cartography,of the ICA,Amsterdam, 17 - 22 April,1967
Oxford: The Oxford Cartographic Data Bank, 1967
Signatura: K30892
32. Élaboration des symboles pour ĺ expression synthétique do phénomenes économiques a partir de données comunales / Barrier, M. ; Third International Conference on Cartography,of the ICA,Amsterdam, 17 - 22 April,1967
Paris: Comité franc. Cartogr., 1967
Signatura: K30899

Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK : 32 záznamu nalezeno   začátekpředchozí23 - 32  přeskočit na záznam:
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