Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK 77 záznamu nalezeno  začátekpředchozí58 - 67další  přeskočit na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
58. IfAG /Institut für Angewandte Geodäsie/ Report 1995/96 to the IAG EUREF - Subcommission / Seeger, Hermann ; IAG - EUREF, Anakara, May 22 - 25, 1996
Frankfurt am Main: IfAG, 1996
Signatura: K47847
59. Report on the Symposium of the IAG Subcommission for the European Reference Frame (EUREF) held in Florence 28 - 31 May 1990. Report on the Working Session of the IAG Subcommision for the European Reference Frame (EUREF) held in Vienna 14 and 16 August 1991 / Symposium of the IAG Subcommission for the EUREF held in Florence 28 - 31 May 1990
München: Bayer. Akad., 1992
Signatura: K47181
60. GNSS/LPS online control and alarm system (GOCA) / Jäger, Reiner ; (EUREF) Vídeň, 2005
Karlsruhe: Univ.Appl,Sci., 2005
Signatura: K49976
61. GNSS heighting based on the concept of a Digital Finite Element Height Reference Surface (DFHRS) / Jäger, Reiner ; Schneid, Sascha ; (EUREF) Vídeň, 2005
Karlsruhe: Univ.Appl.Sci., 2005
Signatura: K49975
62. Geodetic Activities at National Land Survey of Sweden / Jonsson, Bo ; Lilje, Mikael ; EUREF, 1998
b.m. (Gävle): Nat. Land. Surv., 1998
Signatura: K48371
63. Frequency analysis of GPS Coordinate time series from the ROB EUREF Analysis Centre : presented at EUREF symposium : June 22 - 24, 2000, Tromso, Norway / Bruyninx, Carine ; Yseboodt, Marie ; EUREF 2000
Brussels: Royal Observ. Belg., 2000
Signatura: K48787
64. Final Results of The Iceland '95. GPS Campaign / Neumaier, P. ; Seeger, H. ; Magnusson, I. ; Godmundsson, A. ; et al
Frankfurt am Main: IfAG, 1996
Signatura: K47852
65. European Vertical Reference System (EVRS) : International Association of Geodesy. Section 1 : Positioning. Commission 10 : Global and Regional Network. Subcommission for Europe (EUREF) / EUREF 2000
Tromso: EUREF, 2000
Signatura: K48786
66. European vertical reference Network 97 GPS campaign (EUVN97). Report to the EUVN Working group / Ihde, J. ; Schlueter, W. ; Adam, J. ; Gurtner, W. ; et al
Leipzig: IfAG, 1997
Signatura: K48063
67. EuroNav : Software solutions for realtime data processing in the area of satellite based positioning / EuroNav ; (EUREF) Vídeň, 2005
Schönefeld: EuroNav, 2005
Signatura: K49980

Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK : 77 záznamu nalezeno   začátekpředchozí58 - 67další  přeskočit na záznam:
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