Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK 3 záznamu nalezeno  Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
1. NC System News 2/1973 / Symposium of the ICA Commission III on the automation in cartography, Budapest, August 1973
Norway: A/S Kongsberg Vapenfabrik, 1973
Signatura: K37019
2. Coragraph DC 2 / Symposium of the ICA Commission III on the automation in cartography, Budapest, August 1973
Zurich: Contraves AG, 1973
Signatura: K37021
3. 7 000 High-Perfomance. Drafting System / Symposium of the ICA Commission III on the automation in cartography, Budapest, August 1973
Anahein: Calcomp, 1973
Signatura: K37024

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