Články a preprinty

Články a preprinty 3,910 záznamu nalezeno  začátekpředchozí3321 - 3330dalšíkonec  přeskočit na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
3321. Complex planning and coordination for the development of industrial areas in Czechoslovakia / Uličianský, V. ; XII. kongres FIG, Londýn, 2. - 12. 9. 1968
[S.l.]: [s.n.]
Signatura: K32744
3322. The Complex of Optical-Photographical Transformation Methods of Aerial and Space Images Used for Study of Natural Resources / XIII. Congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry, Helsinki, 1976. Commission VII
Moscow: NCP of USSR, 1976
Signatura: K39609
3323. The Complex Interpretation of the Multiband Space Images in the Interests of the Thematic Mapping: the methods and the Results of the Works. International Cartographic Conference, Warsaw, 1982 / Astachova V. A. ; ICA International Cartographic Conference, Warsaw, 1982
Moscow: "Priroda" State Centre, 1982
Signatura: K43441
3324. Complementing Basic Large Scale Maps (Primärkarta) Using Terrestrial Photogrammetry / Ageby, Benny ; Larsson, Jan ; XIII. Congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry, Helsinki, 1976. Commission V
Stockholm: Royal Inst. of Technology - Dep. of Photogrammetry, 1976
Signatura: K39769
3325. Comparisons Between Laser and Micro - Wave Instruments / Fischer, Werner ; International Course Lasers in Surveying and Construction, Stockholm 1973
Zurich: Inst. for Geodesy and Photogr., 1973
Signatura: K37708
3326. Comparison of Two Maps of Annual Speeds of Vertical Grustal Movements on the Territory of the ČSSR / Vyskočil, Pavel ; Fifteenth IUGG General Assembly, Moscow, July 30 - August 14, 1971
Praha: Research Institute of Geodesy, 1971
Signatura: K35460
3327. Comparison of the Graf Sea Gravimeter with the Vening Meinesz Apparatus on Board the Submarine U.S.S. Becuna / Worzel, J. L. ; Graf, A. ; 3. sjezd Mezinárodní gravimetrické komise, Paříž, 15. - 19. září 1959
Berlin - Friedenau: Askania - Werke, 1957
Signatura: K19280
3328. Comparison of the Deflection of the Vertical Components Computed by Astro - geodetic. Gravimetric and Topographic - isostatic Techniques / Szabo, Bela ; Twelfth General Meeting of the International Association of Geodesy, Helsinki, July 19860
b.m.: b.n., 1960
Signatura: K20171
3329. Comparison of methods for determining. The Earth's normal external gravitational field / Daugherty, Kenneth I. ; Define, Donald J. ; 13. valné shromáždění MUGG Berkeley 1963
b.m.: b.n.
Signatura: K25342
3330. Comparison of Crustal Parameters with Geoid undulations / Durbin, William P. ; 13. valné shromáždění MUGG Berkeley 1963
b.m.: b.n.
Signatura: K25345

Články a preprinty : 3,910 záznamu nalezeno   začátekpředchozí3321 - 3330dalšíkonec  přeskočit na záznam:
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