Články a preprinty

Články a preprinty 3,910 záznamu nalezeno  začátekpředchozí3601 - 3610dalšíkonec  přeskočit na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
3601. Application of Laser in Precision Measurement System / Terentieff, Serge ; International Course Lasers in Surveying and Construction, Stockholm 1973
Geneva: B.n., 1973
Signatura: K37716
3602. Application of fotoluminiscence in cartography / Chaloogin, E.I. ; Third International Conference on Cartography,of the ICA,Amsterdam, 17 - 22 April,1967
Moscow: Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1967
Signatura: K30884
3603. The Application of Color and Multispertral Techniques to the Collection of Military Geographic Information / Anson, Abraham ; Photography and Navigation. XIIth International Congress of Photogrammetry, Otawa, 1972
Fort Belvoir: U. S. Army Engineer Topographic Laborat, 1972
Signatura: K36294
3604. The Application of Aerial Photography to Planning in Great Britain / Collins, W. G. ; XIIth Congress of the International Society of Photogrammetry in Ottawa 1972
Birmingham: University of Aston, 1972
Signatura: K36400
3605. Application of Aerial Photo - Interpretation to Ravine Surveys in India / Kamphorst, A. ; XIIth Congress of the International Society of Photogrammetry in Ottawa, 1972
Dehra Dun, India: Photo - Interpretation Inst., 1972
Signatura: K36426
3606. Application de la photogrammetrie terrestre aux explorations de l'expedition scientifique Polonaise au Spitzberg de 1957 a 1959 / Lipert, C. ; Douzieme Assemblee Generale de l'Association de Geodesie de l'Union Geodesique et Geophysique Internationale Helsinki, 26. Juillet - 6. Aout 1960
Varsovie: Palac kultury i nauki, 1960
Signatura: K20303
3607. Application de la Photogrammetrie a la confection des fichiers numeriques (Urbains, en particulier) / Dubuisson, Bernard ; XIII. Congrés de la Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie, Helsinki 1976. Commission IV
Paris: Société Franc. de Photogrammétrie, 1976
Signatura: K39744
3608. Applicability of analytical aerial triangulation to staking out of highway and simulation of aerial triangulation / Kaji, K. ; Kamiya, R. ; Nasu, M. ; International Symposium of Photogrammetry, Tokyo 1966
Tokyo: International Symposium of Photogrammetry, 1966
Signatura: 29764
3609. Appendix to Dr Tengström´s letter to Dr Brein, January 10 1968, concerning the influence of humidity on refractiondeterminations with the dual wavelength method / Tengström, Erik ; International Symposium on Terrestrial Electromagnetic Distance Measurements and Atmospheric Effects on Angular Measurements, Stockholm, 19 - 24 August 1974
B.m.v.: B.n., 1974
Signatura: K-41505
3610. Appareils et méthodes de restitution / Degraeve, André ; Vanderheyden, Franz ; IXme Congrés de la Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie - Londres 1960. Rapport Général de la Commission II
B.m.: b.n., 1960
Signatura: 20806

Články a preprinty : 3,910 záznamu nalezeno   začátekpředchozí3601 - 3610dalšíkonec  přeskočit na záznam:
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