Články a preprinty

Články a preprinty 3,910 záznamu nalezeno  začátekpředchozí3671 - 3680dalšíkonec  přeskočit na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
3671. An Overview of Apollo Program of Lunar Exploration / Petrone, R. A.
Washington: Apollo Program Office, 1972
Signatura: K35796
3672. An Operational Objective Analysis System / Cressman, George P.
B. m.: b. v., 1959
Signatura: 27961
3673. An Investigation on the Recent Vertical Earth-Crust Movements of the Carpathian-Balkanian Region / International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics RCM Symposium No.5, Grenoble, August 30, 1975
Budapest: b.n., 1975
Signatura: K38767
3674. An Investigation of the Mekometer at the Geodetic Survey of Canada / Gregerson, L.F. ; The F.I.G. Congress in Washington, September 1974
B.M.V.: Geodetic Survey, 1974
Signatura: K38483
3675. An Investigation of the Anatomy of the Human Hip Joint Using Roentgenphotogrammetry / Larsson, Jan ; Almby, Bo ; Lönnerholm, Torsten ; XIII. Congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry, Helsinki, 1976
Stockholm: Royal Inst. of Technology, 1976
Signatura: K39784
3676. An investigation into the precision of determining property bounlaries without demarcation points / Einevoll, Ola ; X. kongres Mezinárodní fotogrammetrické společnosti v Lisabonu 1964
Vollbekk: Department for Agricultural Development, 1964
Signatura: 27193
3677. An Investigation of Natural Resources from Orbital Station "SALYUT-4" / Kashin, L.A. ; XIII. Congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry, Helsinki, 1976. Commission IV
Moscow: NCP of USSR, 1976
Signatura: K39617
3678. An Introduction to the Digital Photo Map / Kamiya, R. ; Symposium of International Society for Photogrammetry, London, 9 - 13 August 1971
Tokyo: Asia Air Survey, 1971
Signatura: K35424
3679. An International Standard Symbolism for Thematic Maps: Approaches and Problems / Robinson, Arthur H. ; An International Standard Symbolism for Thematic Maps: Approaches and Problems
Madison: Department of Geography University of Wiskonsin, 1972
Signatura: K36170
3680. An Integrated System of Processing Geographic Names / Böhme, Rolf ; Paper for Presentation to the 6th International Cartographic Association Conference. Ottawa, Canada, August 16 - 25, 1972
Frankfurt/Main: Institut für angewandte Geodäsie, 1972
Signatura: K36184

Články a preprinty : 3,910 záznamu nalezeno   začátekpředchozí3671 - 3680dalšíkonec  přeskočit na záznam:
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