Články a preprinty

Články a preprinty 3,910 záznamu nalezeno  začátekpředchozí3771 - 3780dalšíkonec  přeskočit na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
3771. The accuracy of microwave distance measurement / Bandellas, A. ; Mavridis, L. N. ; International Symposium on Terrestrial Electromagnetic Distance Measurements and Atmospheric Effects on Angular Measurements, Stockholm, 19 - 24 August 1974
Thessaloniki, Greece: University of Thessaloniki, 1974
Signatura: K-41473
3772. Accuracy of mean gravity anomalies obtained from point and profile measurements / Moritz, Helmut ; 13. valné shromáždění MUGG Berkeley 1963
Ohio: State Univ. Research Foundation
Signatura: K25354
3773. Accuracy of highway survey / Pryor, W. T. ; XI. Kongres Mezinárodní fotogrammetrické spol. Lausanne, 8. - 20. 7. 1968
Washington: U. S. Dpt. of Transportation, 1968
Signatura: K32088
3774. Accuracy of astronomical longitude determinations by means of transit instruments / Höpfner, J. ; IUGG - IAG, 15th General Assembly Moscow, 1 - 14 August 1971
Berlin: Zentralinst. Physik der Erde, 1971
Signatura: K35288
3775. Accuracy and Reliability Measures Concerning Design and Qualification of Densification Networks / Augath, Wolfgang ; FIG ; Meeting of FIG Study Group 5B Survey Control Networks, 7th-9th July 1982, Aalborg
Hannover: b. n., 1982
Signatura: K43540
3776. Accuracies of Analytical Aerotriangulation in Application to Condastral Surveying / Brown, Duuane C. ; Annual Convention of the American Congress of Surveyin and Mapping, March 11. - 16. 1973 Washington, D.C. under the title: "Aerotriangulation as a Suplemment to Groud Surveying."
Melbourne: DBA Systems, 1973
Signatura: K38484
3777. The Accidental Error in Aerial Triangulation of Long Flight Strips / Förstner, Rudolf ; Ninth International Congress of Photogrammetry, London 1960
Frankfurt am Main: IfAG, 1960
Signatura: 20858
3778. The Accidental Error in Aerial Triangulation of Long Flight Strips / Förstner, Rudolf ; Ninth International Congress of Photogrammetry, London 1960
Frankfurt am Main: IfAG, 1960
Signatura: 20858
3779. The Accidental Error in Aerial Triangulation of Long Flight Strips / Förstner, Rudolf ; Ninth International Congress of Photogrammetry, London 1960
Frankfurt am Main: IfAG, 1960
Signatura: 20858
3780. Accidental and systematic errors of time observations and time systems / Buschmann, E. ; XIV. Val.shromáždění MUGG, Lucerne, 25.9. - 7.10. 1967
b.m.: b.n., 1967
Signatura: 30465

Články a preprinty : 3,910 záznamu nalezeno   začátekpředchozí3771 - 3780dalšíkonec  přeskočit na záznam:
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