Materiály z konferencí

Materiály z konferencí 1,101 záznamu nalezeno  začátekpředchozí421 - 430dalšíkonec  přeskočit na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
421. Proceedings Second Internetional Symposium on Problems Related to the Redefinition of North American Geodetic Networks. Arlington, Virginia April 24 to 28 1978 / Symposium on Problems Related to the Redefinition of North American Geodetic Networks. Arlington, Virginia April 24 to 28 1978
Rockville: U. S. Department of Commerce - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1979
Signatura: K43133
422. Proceedings of the Symposium on Geographic Information Processing. Compiled and Edited by . . . . / Taylor, D.R. F. ; Symposium on Geographic Information Processing. Compiled and Edited by . . . .
Ottawa: Carleton University, 1976
Signatura: K40170
423. Proceedings of the Symposium held in Stuttgart, Federal Republic Germany. September 2nd to 6th 1974. International Society of Photogrammetry. Commission III / International Society of Photogrammetry ; Symposium, Stuttgart, Federal Republic of Germany. September 2nd to 6th 1974
München: BAW, 1975
Signatura: K39213
424. Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Earth Tides / 17. International Symposium on Earth Tides
Budapest: Akadémisi kiadó, 1976
Signatura: K39130
425. Proceedings of the Second National Conference of South African Surveyors, February, 1964 / Second National Conference of South African Surveyors, February 1964
Cape Town: Institute of Land Surveyors
Signatura: 30521
426. Proceedings of the OEEPE - Woorkshop on automation in digital photogrammetric production : Marne la Vallée, 22 - 24 June 1999 / Koelbl, Otto ; OEEPE - Workshop on automation in digital photogrammetric production, Marne la Vallée, 22 - 24 June 1999
Frankfurt am Main: Bundesamt f. Kartogr. u. Geod., 1999
Signatura: K48823
427. Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Earth Tides. New York City, August 17 - 22, 1981 / Ninth International Symposium on Earth Tides. New York City, August 17 - 22, 1981
Stuttgart: E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1983
Signatura: K44298
428. Proceedings of the ITC post - kongress seminar held at Delft from 29th July to 2nd August 1968 / Proceedings of the ITC post - kongress seminar held at Delft from 29th July to 2nd August 1968
Delft: ITC, 1969
Signatura: K33465
429. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Remote Sensing for Observation and Inventory of Earth Resources and the Endangered Environment / International Symposium on Remote Sensing for Observation and Inventory of Earth Resources and the Endangered Environment, Freiburg, Federal Republic of Germany, July 2-8 1978
[S.l.]: International Society for Photogrammetry Commission, 1978
Signatura: K41796/I,II,III.
430. Proceedings of the International Symposium of Photogrammetry on "Technical and economical organisation of a photogrammetric institution with particular stress to the instrumental outfit", Florence, 4th - 7th october 1966 / Santoni, Ermenegildo ; International Symposium of Photogrammetry on "Technical and economical organisation of a photogrammetric institution with particular stress to the instrumental outfit", Florence, 4th - 7th october 1966
Firenze: Soc. Italiana di fotogrammetria e topograf., 1966 - 1967
Signatura: 32623

Materiály z konferencí : 1,101 záznamu nalezeno   začátekpředchozí421 - 430dalšíkonec  přeskočit na záznam:
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