Žádný přesný výsledek pro XIIIth General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics International Association of Geodesy, Berkeley, California, August 19 - 31, 1963 nebyl nalezen, zkusme místo něj použít XIIIth General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics International Association of Geodesy Berkeley California August 19 31 1963 ...
Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK 13 záznamu nalezeno  1 - 10další  přeskočit na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.02 vteřin. 
1. Report on Theoretical and Practical Research on the Problem of the Figure of the FARth. Made in the USSR, Hungary, Germany, Poland, Rumania and Czechoslovakia 1960 - 1962 / Burša, Milan ; XIIIth General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics International Association of Geodesy, Berkeley, California, August 19 - 31, 1963
Berkeley: Inter. Assoc. of Geod., 1963
Signatura: K37439
2. Report on the geodetic Work of the Survey of India for the period January 1960 to December 1962 / Khosla, K.L. ; XIIIth General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics International Association of Geodesy, Berkeley, California, August 19 - 31, 1963
Dehra Dun: Inter. Union of Geod. and Geoph., 1963
Signatura: K37441
3. Report on Geodetic Operations in Sweden 1960 - 1962 / Asplund, Lars ; XIIIth General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics International Association of Geodesy, Berkeley, California, August 19 - 31, 1963
Stockholm: Geograp. Survey Office of Sweden, 1963
Signatura: K37440
4. Report of Poland's Geodetic Work. Executed 1960 - 1963 / XIIIth General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics International Association of Geodesy, Berkeley, California, August 19 - 31, 1963
Warsaw: Commit. Of Geod. of the Polish Acad. of Scienc., 1963
Signatura: K37437
5. Report of Geodetic Works in Turkey / XIIIth General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics International Association of Geodesy, Berkeley, California, August 19 - 31, 1963
Ankara: Turk. Geod. Surv., 1963
Signatura: k37438
6. National Report on Geodesy. Czechoslovakia. 1960 - 1963 / XIIIth General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics International Association of Geodesy, Berkeley, California, August 19 - 31, 1963
Praha: National Committ. of Geod. and Geoph., 1963
Signatura: K37431
7. National Report on Geodesy to 1963. The Republic of the Sudan / XIIIth General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics International Association of Geodesy, Berkeley, California, August 19 - 31, 1963
b.m.: IUGG, 1963
Signatura: K37436
8. National Report on Geodesy for 1960 - 1962. Great Britain and British Overseas Territories / XIIIth General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics International Association of Geodesy, Berkeley, California, August 19 - 31, 1963
b.m.: IUGG, 1963
Signatura: K37435
9. National Report on Geodesy for 1960 - 1962. Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland / XIIIth General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics International Association of Geodesy, Berkeley, California, August 19 - 31, 1963
Salisbury: IUGG, 1963
Signatura: K37433
10. National Report on Geodesy / China Nat. Comm. ; XIIIth General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics International Association of Geodesy, Berkeley, California, August 19 - 31, 1963
Mexico: Direct de Geogr. y Meteor., 1963
Signatura: K37434

Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK : 13 záznamu nalezeno   1 - 10další  přeskočit na záznam:
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