Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK 48 záznamu nalezeno  předchozí11 - 20dalšíkonec  přeskočit na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
11. Strange oscillations of Doppler determinated heights / Hofmann-Wellenhof, B. ; Lichtenegger, H. ; Inst. Appl. geod. and photogram. - TU Graz ; 19. IUGG - Vancouver, Aug. 9-22, 1987
Graz: Inst. Appl. geod. and photogram. - TU, 1987
Signatura: K45755
12. Status Report on DÖNAV / Seeber, G. ; Universität Hannover ; 19. IUGG - Vancouver, Aug. 9-22, 1987
Hannover: Universität Hannover, 1987
Signatura: K45741
13. South African National Report to the International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Ocean. (IAPSO) / Univ. - Dep. Oceanogr. ; 19. IUGG - Vancouver, Aug. 9-22, 1987
Port Elisabeth: Univ. - Dep. Oceanogr., 1987
Signatura: K45701/XXIX
14. Report on the activities in the quadrenium 1983 - 1987. Committee for developing Countries / Wassef, A. M. ; 19. IUGG - Vancouver, Aug. 9-22, 1987
Vancouver: IUGG, 1987
Signatura: K45720
15. Refined Least Squares Modification of Stokes' Formula / Sjöberg, Lars E. ; Royal. Inst. Technol. Stockholm ; 19. IUGG - Vancouver, Aug. 9-22, 1987
Stockholm: Royal. Inst. Technol., 1987
Signatura: K45740
16. Precise Renge und Range Rate Equipment, PRARE, on Board ERS - 1 - Orbitography in Support of Radar Altimetry and Tool for Precise relative positioning / Wilmos, H. ; Reigber, Ch. ; 19. IUGG - Vancouver, Aug. 9-22, 1987
München: DGFI, 1987
Signatura: K45736
17. On the Combination of Gravity Data with Other Geophysical. Data for the Solution of the Inverse Gravimetric Problem / Vassiliou, A. A. ; Schwarz, K. P. ; Univers. - Surv. Engng. ; 19. IUGG - Vancouver, Aug. 9-22, 1987
Calgary: Univers. - Surv. Engng., 1987
Signatura: K45706
18. On algorithms selving the L - Approximation in geometric modelling / Technic. Univ. Münich ; 19. IUGG - Vancouver, Aug. 9-22, 1987
Münich: Technic. Univ., 1987
Signatura: K45757
19. New Developments of Boundary Value Problems in Physical Geodesy / Sacerdote, F. ; Sanso', F. ; Univ. Pisa - Dep. Mathem. ; 19. IUGG - Vancouver, Aug. 9-22, 1987
Pisa: Univ. - Dep. Mathem. Pisa, 1987
Signatura: K45708
20. National Report on Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior / Cina Nat. Com. Int. Union Geod. a. Geoph. ; 19. IUGG - Vancouver, Aug. 9-22, 1987
Beijing: China Nat. Com. Inter. Union Geod and Geoph., 1987
Signatura: K45701/XXVIII

Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK : 48 záznamu nalezeno   předchozí11 - 20dalšíkonec  přeskočit na záznam:
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