Žádný přesný výsledek pro Working Session and Business Meeting 21 - 26 Aug., 1973, Budapest nebyl nalezen, zkusme místo něj použít Working Session and Business Meeting 21 26 Aug 1973 Budapest ...
Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK 16 záznamu nalezeno  předchozí11 - 16  přeskočit na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
11. Data Structure for Digital Mapping Used by the Ordonance Survey / Gardiner-Hill, R. ; International Cartographic Association ; Working Session and Business Meeting 21-26 Aug. 1973, Budapest
Budapest: Geocartogr.Res. Depart., Inst. of Surveying & Mapp, 1973
Signatura: K40684
12. Automated Map Information Service. By ... and Á. Pápp-Váry / Klinghammer, I. ; International Cartographic Association ; Working Session and Business Meeting, 21-26 Aug. 1973. Budapest
Budapest: Geogr. Res. Dep.,Inst. of Surv. and Mapp, 1973
Signatura: K40670
13. A Practical Method for Estimation of Map Information Content / Kádár, I. By. ; International Cartographic Association ; Working Session and Business Meeting, 21-26 Aug. 1973, Budapest
Budapest: High. School for Surveying, 1973
Signatura: K40675
14. A Method for Cartographical Selection According to Qualitative Aspects / Franke, U. ; International Cartographic Association ; Working Session and Business Meeting, 21-26 Aug. 1973, Budapest
Budapest: Geocartogr. Res. Depart., Inst. of Surv. and Mapp, 1973
Signatura: K40672
15. A Managemeng Study Review / Edson, Dean T. ; International Cartographic Association ; Working Session and Business Meeting 21-26 Aug. 1973. Budapest
Budapest: Geocartogr. Res. Dep., Inst. of Surv. & Mapp, 1973
Signatura: K40683
16. A Conception and Realization of the Czechoslovak Subsystem of Cartographic Information: Principal Problems / Neumann, Jan ; International Cartographic Association ; Working Session and Business Meeting 21-26 Aug. 1973, Budapest
Budapest: Geocartogr. Res. Dep., Inst. of Surv.& Mapp., 1973
Signatura: K40669

Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK : 16 záznamu nalezeno   předchozí11 - 16  přeskočit na záznam:
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