Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK 98 záznamu nalezeno  předchozí11 - 20dalšíkonec  přeskočit na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
11. The Use of Satellite Photography in the National Topographic Mapping Program of Canada / Fleming, E.A. ; XIII. Congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry, Helsinki, 1976. Commission IV
Ottawa: Surveys and Map. Branch, 1976
Signatura: K39748
12. The Use of Modern Methods in Highway Planning in Sweden during the years 1960 - 1964 / Ternryd, C. O. ; X. kongres Mezinárodní fotogrammetrické společnosti v Lisabonu 1964, Kom. IV.
B. m.: b. v., 1964
Signatura: 27149
13. The Use of Large Scale Orthophoto Maps in Cadastral Survey and for Rural and Urban Development Projects / Visser, J. ; XIII. Congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry, Helsinki, 1976. Commission IV
Enschede: Internat. Inst. for Aerial Survey and Earth Sciences, 1976
Signatura: K39761
14. The Italian Digital Cadaster: Organization and Methods / Vitelli, Enrico ; XIII. Congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry, Helsinki, 1976. Commission IV
Torino: Ital. Cadaster Topograph. Dep., 1976
Signatura: K39762
15. The functions to be fulfilled by large scale maps in big cities / FIG - IXe Congres, 1958. Commission IV
b.m.: b.n., 1958
Signatura: K18380
16. The Aerial Triangulation Use in the Cadastral Surveyings / Zegheru, Nicolae ; XIII. Congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry, Helsinki, 1976. Commission IV
Bucharest: Rom. Committee of Photogrammetry, 1976
Signatura: K39764
17. Survey Network Accomplishment by Methods of Analytical Phototriangulation for Line Engineering Projection / Maljawski, B.K. ; XIII. Congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry, Helsinki, 1976. Commission IV
Moscow: National Committee of Photogrammetrists of the USSR, 1976
Signatura: K39751
18. Sur la méthodologie du centrale de la planimétrie et de l'altimétrie des cartes de moyennes et grandes echelles etablies au moyen de la methode photogrammetrique / Pichlík, V. ; XIII. Congrés de la Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie, Helsinki 1976. Commission IV
Prague: Inst. géodés. de recherches, 1976
Signatura: K39754
19. Sur l'influence de certaines conditions lors des prises de vue aériennes sur l'efficacité de la méthode photogrammétrique dans le levé des zones urbanisées á de grandes échelles / Pichlík, V. ; XIII. Congrés de la Société Internationale de Photogrammétrie, Helsinki 1976. Commission IV
Prague: Inst. géodés. de recherches, 1976
Signatura: K39754
20. Super - Infragon Photography and Auxiliary Data on a Mapping Program for Nigeria / Zarzycki, J. M. ; X. kongres Mezinárodní fotogrammetrické společnosti v Lisabonu 1964, Kom. IV.
B. m.: b. v., 1964
Signatura: 27150

Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK : 98 záznamu nalezeno   předchozí11 - 20dalšíkonec  přeskočit na záznam:
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