Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK 147 záznamu nalezeno  začátekpředchozí138 - 147  přeskočit na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
138. Analitičeskij stereofotogrammetričeskij pribor / Zotov, G. A. ; Central'nyj nauč.-issl. inst. geodezii
[S.l.]: [s.n.], 1979
Signatura: SSSRPAT666423
139. An In Situ Optical Beam Attenuance Meter / Larsen, Ejnar ; Bedf. Inst. of Ocean
Dartmouth: Bedf. inst. of Ocean, 1973
Signatura: 36944
140. An Analysis of Martinan Photometry and Polarimetry / Pollack, J. B. ; Smithsonian Inst. Astrophysical Observatory
Cambridge: Smithsonian Inst. Astrophysical Observatory, 1967
Signatura: 32385
141. Adjustment of Satellite Altimeter Data from Cross-over Differences using Covariance Relations for the Time Varying Components represented by Gaussian Functions / Knudsen, Per ; Geodet. inst. Charlottenlund ; 19. IUGG - Vancouver, Aug. 9-22, 1987
Charlottenlund: Geodet. inst., 1987
Signatura: K45751
142. A Windblown Dust Model of Martian Surface Features and Seasonal Changes / Sagan, C. ; Smithsonian Inst. Astrophysical Observatory
Cambridge: Smithsonian Inst. Astrophysical Observatory, 1967
Signatura: 32384
143. A Remote - Controlled, Multi - Channel, Analog - Data, Telemetry System / Dinn, D.F. ; Bedf. Inst. of Ocean
Dartmouth: Bedf. Inst. of Ocean, 1973
Signatura: 36946
144. A Concept for the Combination of GPS, Terrestrial Height Data and Geoid - Models and for a Geoid - Refinement in Arbitrary Large Areas - Theory, Software and Real Data Experiences of an Approach proposed for the European Vertical Datum / Dinter, Georg ; Illner, Michael ; Jäger, Reiner ; Univ. - Geod. Inst. Karlsruhe ; et al
Karlsruhe: Univ. - Geod. Inst., 1996
Signatura: K47848
145. A Comprehensive Study of the Characteristics of Meteor Echoes - I / Hawkins, G. S. ; Smithsonian Inst. Astrophysical Observatory
Cambridge: Smithsonian Inst. Astrophysical Observatory, 1967
Signatura: 32383
146. A Box Model of Ice Transport in the Golf of St. Lawrence / Murty, T.S. ; Smith, S.D. ; Bedf. Inst. of Ocean
Dartmouth: Bedf. Inst. of Ocean, 1973
Signatura: 36945
147. Überprüfung von Ausgleichungsmodellen durch Hypothesentest / Pelzer, Hans ; Geod. Inst. d. Univ. Hannover ; VIII. Internat. Kurs für Ingenieurvermessung, Zürich 24. Sept. - 1. Okt. 1980
Hannover: Geod. Inst. d. Univ., 1980
Signatura: K42323

Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK : 147 záznamu nalezeno   začátekpředchozí138 - 147  přeskočit na záznam:
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