Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK 33 záznamu nalezeno  začátekpředchozí21 - 30další  přeskočit na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
21. Determination of elements of ellipsoid of errors usign cracovian calculus / Baran, Wlodzimier ; Second Internat. Symposium on Geodetic Calculations Brussels, 6th - 11th June, 1966
b.m.: Polish Acad. of Sciences Com. of Geodesy, 1966
Signatura: 29013
22. De la compensation de grands réseaux trigonométriques / Schliephake, Günter ; Second Internat. Symposium on Geodetic Calculations Brussels, 6th - 11th June, 1966
b.m.: Com. National de Geodesie et Geophysique de la republique democratique Allemande, 1966
Signatura: 29024
23. Data Reducation for Long Aerial Lines of Relatively Low Elevation / Sodano, Emanuel M. ; Second Internat. Symposium on Geodetic Calculations Brussels, 6th - 11th June, 1966
Virginia: US Army Engineer Geodesy, 1966
Signatura: 29015
24. Cracovian formulae for the intersection in space of a satellite, the position of the plane of its orbit being known / Baran, W. ; Second Internat. Symposium on Geodetic Calculations Brussels, 6th - 11th June, 1966
b.m.: Polish Acad, of Sci. Com. of Geodesy, 1966
Signatura: 29019
25. Computational Principles for the Adjustment of Extended Geodetic Systems / Wolf, ; Second Internat. Symposium on Geodetic Calculations Brussels, 6th - 11th June, 1966
b.m.: b.v., 1966
Signatura: 29021
26. Computation of Geodesicos on the Ellipsoid / Kruif, J. C. P. De ; Second Internat. Symposium on Geodetic Calculations Brussels, 6th - 11th June, 1966
Delft: Geodetic Inst., 1966
Signatura: 29017
27. Compensation de grands réseaux géodésiques par application de lálgébre cracovienne / Winiewicz, L. ; Second Internat.Symposium on Geodetic Calculations Brussels, 6th - 11th June, 1966
B.m.: Acad.Polonaise des Sci.Com.de Geod., 1966
Signatura: 29026
28. Changes of Spheroid and of Datum / Weightman, J. A. ; Second Internat. Symposium on Geodetic Calculations Brussels, 6th - 11th June, 1966
b.m.: b.v., 1966
Signatura: 29016
29. Calcul Cracovien Generalise et son Application a la Resolution du Probleme Fondamental de la Compensation / Zlatanov, Guérgui ; Second Internat.Symposium on Geodetic Calculations Brussels, 6th - 11th June, 1966
Sofia: Inst. de Genie Civil - Dep.de Geodesie, 1966
Signatura: 29028
30. BASIC Remarks on the Use of the Computer for Computations in the Plane / Krijger, B. G. K. ; Second Internat.Symposium on Geodetic Calculations Brussels, 6th - 11th June, 1966
Delft: Com.Centre of the Delft Geod.Inst., 1966
Signatura: 29037

Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK : 33 záznamu nalezeno   začátekpředchozí21 - 30další  přeskočit na záznam:
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