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Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK 64 záznamu nalezeno  začátekpředchozí21 - 30dalšíkonec  přeskočit na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
21. Precision of Geodolite Distance Measurements / Prescott, W. H. ; Savage, J. C. ; International Symposium on Terrestrial Electromagnetic Distance Measurements and Atmospheric Effects on Angular Measurements, Stockholm, 19 - 24 August 1974
B.m.v.: B.n., 1974
Signatura: K-41489
22. Photogrammetrie. Band 4 / Jaensch, H. J.
Dresden: Ingenieurschule für Geodäsie und Kartographie, 1964
Signatura: 15894
23. Performance and Economy of Survey Flight Systems. Invited Paper / Corten, F. L. J. H. ; Twelfht Congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry, Ottawa 1972
Enschede: ITC, 1972
Signatura: K36289
24. Performance and costs of flight functions / Corten. F. L. J. H. ; XI. Kongres Mezinárodní fotogrammetrické společnosti Lausanne, 8. - 20. 7. 1968
Delft: ITC, 1968
Signatura: K32166
25. Newton mechanics as geodesie flow on Maupertuis manifolds: The local isometric embedding into flat spaces / Goenner, H. ; Grafarend, E. W. ; You, R. J. ; I. Inter. Symp. Mathem. and Physic. Foundat. Geodesy - Stuttgart 1993
Göttingen: Instit. for Theor. Physics, 1993
Signatura: K47211
26. Newton mechanics as geodesic flow on Maupertius´ manifolds: The local isometric embedding into flat soaces / Goenner, H. ; Grafarend, E. W. ; You, R. J. ; 3th Hotine-Marussi Symposium
Göttingen: University, 1993
Signatura: K47364
27. NAVGRAV Navigation and gravimetric experiment at the North Sea / Haagmans, R.H.N. ; Husti, G.J. ; Plugers, P. ; Smit, J.H.M. ; et al
Delft: Netherlands geod.comm., 1988
Signatura: 46184
28. National report of Portugal : presented at the EUREF symposium held at Tromso, Norway, 22 - 24 June, 2000 / Pinto, J. T. ; Rodrigues, H. K. ; Ribeiro, H. C. ; EUREF 2000
Lisboa: Inst. Portugal. Cartogr. e Cadast., 2000
Signatura: K48795
29. National Report for the Netherlands. Draft / Brouwel, F. ; Buren, J. van ; Marel, H. van der ; Hofman, M.
Delft: Min. of Transport, 1995
Signatura: K47557
30. Proceedings of the 5th Working Meeting on European VLBI for Geodesy and Astrometry. Held and Wettzell. FRG o 7/8 November 1986 / Campbell, J. ; Schuh, H. ; The 5th Working Meeting on European VLBI for Geodesy and Astrometry. Held and Wettzell. FRG o 7/8 November 1986
Bonn 1987: Geod. Inst.
Signatura: K 47 239

Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK : 64 záznamu nalezeno   začátekpředchozí21 - 30dalšíkonec  přeskočit na záznam:
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