Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK 348 záznamu nalezeno  začátekpředchozí339 - 348  přeskočit na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
339. 18th International Congress of Surveyors. June 1 to 11, 1986, Toronto, Canada. Papers. Commission 7. Cadastre and Rural Land Management / 18th International Congress of Surveyors. June 1 to 11, 1986, Toronto, Canada
Ottawa: Canad. Inst. of Surv., 1986
Signatura: K45313/IX
340. 18th International Congress of Surveyors. June 1 to 11, 1986, Toronto, Canada. Papers. Commission 6. Engineering Surveys / 18th International Congress of Surveyors. June 1 to 11, 1986, Toronto, Canada.
Ottawa: Canad. Inst. of Surv., 1986
Signatura: K45313/VIII
341. 18th International Congress of Surveyors. June 1 to 11, 1986, Toronto, Canada. Papers. Commission 5. Survey Instruments and Methods / 18th International Congress of Surveyors. June 1 to 11, 1986, Toronto, Canada
Ottawa: Canad. Inst. of Surv., 1986
Signatura: K45313/VII
342. 18th International Congress of Surveyors. June 1 to 11, 1986, Toronto, Canada. Papers. Commission 4. Hydrographic Surveying / 18th International Congress of Surveyors. June 1 to 11, 1986, Toronto, Canada
Ottawa: Canad. Inst. of Surv., 1986
Signatura: K45313/VI
343. 18th International Congress of Surveyors. June 1 to 11, 1986, Toronto, Canada. Papers. Commission 3. Land Information Systems / 18th International Congress of Surveyors. June 1 to 11, 1986, Toronto, Canada.
Ottawa: Canad. Inst. of Surv., 1986
Signatura: K45313/V
344. 18th International Congress of Surveyors. June 1 to 11, 1986, Toronto, Canada. Papers. Commission 2. Professional Education and Literature / 18th International Congress of Surveyors. June 1 to 11, 1986, Toronto, Canada.
Ottawa: The Canad. Inst. of Surv., 1986
Signatura: K45313/IV
345. 18th International Congress of Surveyors. June 1 to 11, 1986, Toronto, Canada. Papers. Commission 1. Proffesional Practice, Organisation and Legal Systems / 18th International Congress of Surveyors. June 1 to 11, 1986, Toronto, Canada
Ottawa: The Canad. Inst. of Surv., 1986
Signatura: K45313/III
346. 18th International Congress of Surveyors. June 1 to 11, 1986, Toronto, Canada. National Reports / 18th International Congress of Surveyors. June 1 to 11, 1986, Toronto, Canada.
Ottawa: The Canad. Inst. of Surv., 1986
Signatura: K45313/II
347. 18th International Congress of Surveyors. June 1 to 11, 1986, Toronto, Canada. Official Report of the Congress / 18th International Congress of Surveyors. June 1 to 11, 1986, Toronto, Canada.
Ottawa: Canad. Inst. of Surv., 1986
Signatura: K45313/XII
348. 11 Resümees von Berichten der zweiten nationalen wissenschaftlich - technischen kartographischen Konferenz / 11 Resümees von Berichten der zweiten nationalen wissenschaftlich - technischen kartographischen Konferenz
Sofia: Hauptverwaltung für Geodäsie und Kartographie, 1969
Signatura: 33324

Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK : 348 záznamu nalezeno   začátekpředchozí339 - 348  přeskočit na záznam:
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