Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK 23 záznamu nalezeno  předchozí4 - 13další  přeskočit na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
4. Closed Covariance expressions for Gravity Anomalies Geoid Undulations, and Deflections of the Vertical Impliet by Anomaly Degree Variance Models / Tscherning, C. C. ; Rapp, Richard H.
Columbus: Ohio State Univ., 1974
Signatura: 47614
5. Report of Special Study Group 4.66 "Management of Geodetic Data" for the Period Dec. 1979 - June 1983. IAG, General Assembly Hamburg, August 1983 / Tscherning, C. C. ; IAG, General Assembly Hamburg, August 1983
Charlottenlund: Geodaetisk Institut, 1983
Signatura: K44262
6. Report of Special Study Group 4.66 "Management of Geodetic Data" for the Period Dec. 1979 - June 1983 / Tscherning, C.C. ; International Association of Geodesy, General Assembly, Hamburg, August 1983
Charlottenlund: Geodaetisk Institut, 1983
Signatura: K43874
7. Local geoid determination combining gravity disturbances and GPS/levelling : A case study in the Lake Nasser area, Aswan, Egypt / Tscherning, C. C. ; Radwan, A. ; Tealeb, A.A. ; Mahmoud, Salah Mohamed ; et al
Zdroj: Journal of Geodesy
8. Functional Methods for gravity Field approximation / Tscherning, C.C. ; Fourth International Summer School in the Mountais, Admont, Austria, August 25 - September 5, 1986
Charlottenlund: Geodetic Institute
Signatura: K 45 399
9. Isotropic reproducing kernels for the inner of a sphere or spherical shell and their use as density covariance functions / Tscherning, C. C. ; I. Inter. Symp. Mathem. and Physic. Foundat. Geodesy - Stuttgart 1993
Copenhagen: Geophys. Departm., 1993
Signatura: K47215
10. Implementation of Algol - Procedures for Covariance Computation on the RC 4000-Computer / Tscherning, C. C.
Kobenhavn: Geod. Inst., 1976
Signatura: 47657
11. Implementation of Algol - Procedures for Covariance Computation on the RC 4000-Computer / Tscherning, C. C.
Kobenhavn: Geod. Inst., 1976
Signatura: 47657
12. Harmonic continuation and gridding effects on geoid height prediction / Tscherning, C.C. ; Forsberg, R. ; 20th General Assembly of the IUGG, 11 - 24 August 1991, Vienna
Copenhagen: Geophys. Inst. Copenhagen, 1991
Signatura: K46871
13. Geoid determination in the Nordic countries - a status report / Tscherning, C. C. ; Forsberg, R. ; Geod. Inst. Charlottenlund ; 19. IUGG - Vancouver, Aug. 9-22, 1987
Charlottenlund: Geod. Inst., 1987
Signatura: K45737

Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK : 23 záznamu nalezeno   předchozí4 - 13další  přeskočit na záznam:
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