Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK 60 záznamu nalezeno  začátekpředchozí41 - 50další  přeskočit na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
41. A Geographical Excursion through Central Norrland / XIX. International Geographical Congress, Norden 1960
b.m.: b.n., 1960
Signatura: 20370
42. Guidebook Denmark. Contributions to problems discussed in Symposia and Excursions / XIX. International Geographical Congress, Norden 1960
Kobenhavn: Kobenhavns Universitets Geografiske Institut, 1960
Signatura: 20367
43. Glacial Morphology and Inland Ice Recession in Northern Sweden / XIX International Geographical Congress, Norden 1960
[S.l.]: [s.n.]
Signatura: 20 374
44. Geographical Departments, Publications and Periodicals in "Norden" / Helmfrid, Staffan ; XIX International Geographical Congress, Stockholm, 1960
B. m.: b. n., 1960
Signatura: 20443
45. Geographic Features of Stockholms Skärgărd / Hedenstierna, Bertil ; XIX International Geographical Congress, Norden 1960
B. m.: b. n., 1960
Signatura: 20377
46. Geodetic Work in the Netherlands. 1983 - 1986 / Rijkscomm. voor geod. ; IUGG XIX General Assembly. Vancouver, Canada, August 19 - 22, 1987
Delft: Rijkscomm. voor geod, 1987
Signatura: K45701/XII
47. Geodetic operations in Finland. 1983 - 1986 / Geod. Inst. Helsinki ; IUGG XIX General Assembly. Vancouver, Canada, August 19 - 22, 1987
Helsinki: Geod. Inst., 1987
Signatura: K45701/X
48. Geodesy in Indonesia. National Report / Inst. of Technol. ; IUGG XIX General Assembly. Vancouver, Canada, August 19 - 22, 1987
Bandung: Inst. of Technol., 1987
Signatura: K45701/XIV
49. From the Plains of Middle Sweden to the High Mountains / XIX.International Geographical Congress, Norden 1960
[S.l.]: [s.n.]
Signatura: 20 375
50. From the Bothnian Gulf through Southern and Central Lappland to the Norwegian Fiords / XIX International Geographical Congress, Norden 1960
[S.l.]: [s.n.]
Signatura: 20 372

Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK : 60 záznamu nalezeno   začátekpředchozí41 - 50další  přeskočit na záznam:
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