Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK 51 záznamu nalezeno  začátekpředchozí42 - 51  přeskočit na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
42. Central European Initiative. Proceedings. Orient Seminar, September 28. - 30. 1994. Kočovce Mansion / Central European Initiative.September 28. - 30. 1994, Kočovce Mansion
Vienna: Inst. Photogram. Rem. Sens., 1994
Signatura: K47420
43. Bibliography of Maps Showning Distribution of Population by Dotting Method / International Geographical Union European Regional Conference, Budapest 1971
Budapest: National office of Lands and Mapping of the Hungarian Peoples Republic, 1971
Signatura: K35103
44. Annales geophysicae: Official journal of the European Geophysical Society, Series B: Terrestrial and planetary physics / Nihoul, J.C.J. ; Mueller, Stephan ; Madariaga, R ; European Geophysical Society
Montrouge Cedex : Gauthier-villars
Signatura: ICRCM1253
45. Annales geophysicae: Official journal of the European Geophysical Society / European Geophysical Society ; Mueller, Stephan ; Madariaga, R ; Nihoul, J.C.J. ; et al
Montrouge Cedex : Gauthier-villars
Signatura: ICRCM1253
46. Abstracts of Papers. Supplement / International Geographical Union European Regional Conference, Budapest 1971
Budapest: b.n., 1971
Signatura: K35101/a
47. Abstracts of Papers / International Geographical Union European Regional Conference, Budapest 1971
Budapest: b.n., 1971
Signatura: K35101
48. A geomorfológiai térképek hidrogeografiai elemeiröl / International Geographical Union European Regional Conference Budapest 1971
Budapest: Academia Scientiarum Hungarica - Institutum Geographicum, 1969
Signatura: 35 105, přít. 2
49. A European Strategy for Geographic Information / Bruine, R. F. de ; Joint European Conference and Exhibition on Geographical Information. Netherlands Congress Centre The Hague. March 26 - 31, 1995
The Hague: JEC, 1995
Signatura: K47794/V
50. A Balaton tágab környékének geomorfológiai térképe / International Geographical Union European Regional Conference, Budapest 1971
Budapest: Academia Scientiarum Hungarica - Institutum Geographicum, 1969
Signatura: K 35 105
51. 100 years bulgarian Geographical society: International scientific conference "SMART GEOGRAPHY" / Bulgarian geographical society ; European association of geographers ; Faculty of geology and geography. Sofia University.
Sofia : "St. Kliment Ohridski" University press , 2018
Signatura: 51360

Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK : 51 záznamu nalezeno   začátekpředchozí42 - 51  přeskočit na záznam:
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