Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK 775 záznamu nalezeno  začátekpředchozí746 - 755dalšíkonec  přeskočit na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
746. A short range highly accurate elektrooptical distance measuring equimpent / Hölscher, H. D. ; VI. Internat. Kurs für IG hoher Präzision - Graz, 1970 Themenkreis 1
b. m.: b. n., 1970
Signatura: K34128
747. A regional geoid for southern Africa / Merry, C. L. ; Gysen, H. van ; University Cape Town ; 19. IUGG - Vancouver, Aug. 9-22, 1987
Cape Town: University Cape Town, 1987
Signatura: K45746
748. A photagrammetric technique applied to making highway perspective drawing / Nakamura, H. ; International Symposium of Photogrammetry, Tokyo 1966
Tokyo: International Symposium of Photogrammetry, 1966
Signatura: 29762
749. A North-Seeking Gyro Attachment for the Theodolite, as a New Aid to the Surveyor / Strasser, G.J. ; Schwendener, H. R. ; FIG ; XI. Kongres FIG, Řím 1965
Heerbrug: Wild, 1964
Signatura: K31020
750. A New Technique For Aerial Mapping / Kingsley, Robert H. ; X. kongres Mezinárodní fotogrammetrické společnosti v Lisabonu 1964, Kom. I.
B. m.: b. v., 1964
Signatura: 27037
751. A new Method of Finding Roots of a fourth Order Polynomial with Real Coefficients / Haase, Kurt H.
Bedford,Massachusetts: Electronics Research Directorate Air Force Cambridge Res.Laboratories Office of Aerospace Research, 1962
Signatura: 30407
752. A New Computer-Assisted Stereocomparater / Seymour, R. H. ; XIIth Congress of the International Society of Photogrammetry in Ottawa 1972
Seuthfield: Michigan, Bendix, 1972
Signatura: K36364
753. A more perfect union - A report on our knowing the land, America / Akillian, Michael H.
Orono: New Eng. Sect. ACSM Univ. Maine, 1975
Signatura: 47264
754. A method for route location and project design induced from combination of computer with contoured orthophoto or topo map / Morito, H. ; Shimazaki, K. ; International Symposium of Photogrammetry, Tokyo 1966
Tokyo: International Symposium of Photogrammetry, 1966
Signatura: 29778
755. A Mathematical Model for Digital Rectification of Remote Sensing Data / Ebner, H. ; XIII. Congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry, Helsinki, 1976. Commission III
Stuttgart: Inst. for Photogrammetry - Stuttgart Univ., 1976
Signatura: K39687

Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK : 775 záznamu nalezeno   začátekpředchozí746 - 755dalšíkonec  přeskočit na záznam:
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