Žádný přesný výsledek pro 11,1986 nebyl nalezen, zkusme místo něj použít 11 1986 ...
Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK 13 záznamu nalezeno  1 - 10další  přeskočit na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
1. Protokoll der 135. und 136. Sitzung der Schweiz. Geodätischen Kommission vom 11. November 1985 in der Firma Wild Heerbrugg AG, Heerbrugg und vom 12. Mai 1986 in der Eidg. Technischen Hochschule Zürich / 135. und 136. Sitzung der Schweiz. Geodätische Kommission vom 11. November 1985 in der Firma Wild Heerbrugg AG, Heerbrugg und vom 12. Mai 1986 in der Eidg
Kloten: SPROSS Satz & Druck AG
Signatura: K 45 612
2. 18th International Congress of Surveyors. June 1 to 11, 1986, Toronto, Canada. Papers. Directory of Member Asociations / 18th International Congress of Surveyors. June 1 to 11, 1986, Toronto, Canada.
Ottawa: The Canad. Inst. of Surv., 1986
Signatura: K45313/I
3. 18th International Congress of Surveyors. June 1 to 11, 1986, Toronto, Canada. Papers. Commission 9. Valuation and Management of Real Estate / 18th International Congress of Surveyors. June 1 to 11, 1986, Toronto, Canada.
Ottawa: Canad. Inst. of Surv., 1986
Signatura: K45313/XI
4. 18th International Congress of Surveyors. June 1 to 11, 1986, Toronto, Canada. Papers. Commission 8. Urban Land Systems: Planning and Development / 18th International Congress of Surveyors. June 1 to 11, 1986, Toronto, Canada.
Ottawa: Canad. Inst. of Surv., 1986
Signatura: K45313/X
5. 18th International Congress of Surveyors. June 1 to 11, 1986, Toronto, Canada. Papers. Commission 7. Cadastre and Rural Land Management / 18th International Congress of Surveyors. June 1 to 11, 1986, Toronto, Canada
Ottawa: Canad. Inst. of Surv., 1986
Signatura: K45313/IX
6. 18th International Congress of Surveyors. June 1 to 11, 1986, Toronto, Canada. Papers. Commission 6. Engineering Surveys / 18th International Congress of Surveyors. June 1 to 11, 1986, Toronto, Canada.
Ottawa: Canad. Inst. of Surv., 1986
Signatura: K45313/VIII
7. 18th International Congress of Surveyors. June 1 to 11, 1986, Toronto, Canada. Papers. Commission 5. Survey Instruments and Methods / 18th International Congress of Surveyors. June 1 to 11, 1986, Toronto, Canada
Ottawa: Canad. Inst. of Surv., 1986
Signatura: K45313/VII
8. 18th International Congress of Surveyors. June 1 to 11, 1986, Toronto, Canada. Papers. Commission 4. Hydrographic Surveying / 18th International Congress of Surveyors. June 1 to 11, 1986, Toronto, Canada
Ottawa: Canad. Inst. of Surv., 1986
Signatura: K45313/VI
9. 18th International Congress of Surveyors. June 1 to 11, 1986, Toronto, Canada. Papers. Commission 3. Land Information Systems / 18th International Congress of Surveyors. June 1 to 11, 1986, Toronto, Canada.
Ottawa: Canad. Inst. of Surv., 1986
Signatura: K45313/V
10. 18th International Congress of Surveyors. June 1 to 11, 1986, Toronto, Canada. Papers. Commission 2. Professional Education and Literature / 18th International Congress of Surveyors. June 1 to 11, 1986, Toronto, Canada.
Ottawa: The Canad. Inst. of Surv., 1986
Signatura: K45313/IV

Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK : 13 záznamu nalezeno   1 - 10další  přeskočit na záznam:
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