Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK 5 záznamu nalezeno  Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
1. Recent improvements to IERS bulletin A : Combination and prediction / Luzum, Brian J. ; 25th Gen. Assembly EGS, Nice, 2000
Washington: U.S. Naval Observ., 2000
Signatura: K48763
2. Leakage and aliasing effects in the framework of discrete spectral analysis / Wasle, E. ; Schuh, W. D. ; 25th Gen. Assembly EGS, Nice, 2000
Graz: TU, 2000
Signatura: K48762
3. Gravity gradientometric corrections to geoidal heights levelling on geodetic test field near Grybów (South Poland) / Barlik, Marcin ; 25th Gen. Assembly EGS, Nice, 2000
Warsaw: Univer. of technol., 2000
Signatura: K48759
4. Computing the nutations of a rigid Earth through symbolic processing / Navaro, Juan F. ; Ferrándiz, Jose M. ; Getino, Juan ; 25th Gen. Assembly EGS, Nice, 2000
Alicante: Univers., 2000
Signatura: K48761
5. Combinations of Earth orientation measurements : SPACE99, COMB99, and POLE99 / Gross, Richard S. ; 25th Gen. Assembly EGS, Nice, 2000
Pasadena: Jet Propuls. Labor., 2000
Signatura: K48760

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