Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK 3 záznamu nalezeno  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
1. Status of the NAVSAT Earth's Rotation and Polar Motion Systems / Colquitt, E. S. ; Anderle, R. J. ; Malyevac, C. A. ; XVIII. GENERAL Assembly of IUGG Hamburg, 1983
Dahlgren: Naval Surface Weapons Center, 1983
Signatura: K44272
2. Error Model for Geodetic Positions Darived from Doppler Satellite Observations / Anderle, R.J.
Dahlgren: Naval Surface Weapons Center, 1975
Signatura: 38896
3. Effect of Satellite Orbit Error on Computed Coordinates of Doppler Receivers / Anderle, Richard J.
Dahlgren: NSWC, 1982
Signatura: 47498

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