Žádný přesný výsledek pro Coleman, Charles, G. nebyl nalezen, zkusme místo něj použít Coleman Charles G ...
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1. Supplement to the Report of Commission VII (Photographic Interpretation) to the International Society of Photogrammetry 1956 / Coleman, Charles G. ; Rogers, Earl J. ; VIII International Congress de Photogrammétrie, Stockholm, 1956
Stockholm: b.n., 1956
Signatura: K16974
2. Report of Commission VII (Photographic Interpretation) to the International Society of Photogrammetry / Coleman, Charles G. ; Rogers, Earl J. ; VIII International Congress de Photogrammétrie, Stockholm, 1956
Stockholm: b.n., 1956
Signatura: K16974
3. Report of Commission VII (Photographic Interpretation) to the International Society of Photogrammetry / Coleman, Charles G. ; Rogers, Earl J. ; VIII International Congress de Photogrammétrie, Stockholm, 1956
Stockholm: b.n., 1956
Signatura: K16974
4. Report of Commission VII (Photographic Interpretation) to the International Society of Photogrammetry / Coleman, Charles G. ; Rogers, Earl J. ; VIII International Congress de Photogrammétrie, Stockholm, 1956
Stockholm: b.n., 1956
Signatura: K16974
5. General Summary. Report of Commission VII. (Photographic Interpretation) to the International Society of Photogrammetry / Coleman, Charles, G. ; 9. Mezinárodní fotogram. kongres, Londýn 1960
B.m.: B.n., 1960
Signatura: K20894
6. General Summary. Report of Commission VII. (Photographic Interpretation) to the International Society of Photogrammetry / Coleman, Charles, G. ; 9. Mezinárodní fotogram. kongres, Londýn 1960
B.m.: B.n., 1960
Signatura: K20894
7. General Summary. Report of Commission VII. (Photographic Interpretation) to the International Society of Photogrammetry / Coleman, Charles, G. ; 9. Mezinárodní fotogram. kongres, Londýn 1960
B.m.: B.n., 1960
Signatura: K20894

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