Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK 16 záznamu nalezeno  1 - 10další  přeskočit na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
1. Zpráva ze služební cesty do Francie ve dnech 5. a 6.11. 1996 / Suchánek, Vít ; Meeting Delivering Windows Computing to the Enterprise - firma Digital, Sophia Antipolis
Praha: ČÚZK, 1996
Signatura: CEST-Z599
2. Digital Processing of Aerial Images. May 22 - 24, 1979 Huntsville, Alabama / Digital Processing of Aerial Images. May 22-24, 1979 Huntsville, Alabama
Washington: Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, 1979
Signatura: K42947
3. Proceedings of the OEEPE - Woorkshop on automation in digital photogrammetric production : Marne la Vallée, 22 - 24 June 1999 / Koelbl, Otto ; OEEPE - Workshop on automation in digital photogrammetric production, Marne la Vallée, 22 - 24 June 1999
Frankfurt am Main: Bundesamt f. Kartogr. u. Geod., 1999
Signatura: K48823
4. PDP 8/i, PDP 8/L / Digital Equipment Corporation ; FIG - XIII. Internationaler Kongress der Verm messungsingenieure vom 1.-10. September 1971 in Wiesbaden. Kommission 5: Indtrumente und Methoden
Maynard: DEC, 1971
Signatura: K36005
5. PDP 11/20. 16-bit family of eleven / Digital Equipment Corporatoin ; Wiesbaden, 1971
Maynard: DEC, 1973
Signatura: K36012
6. Proceedings of the OEEPE-Workshop on Application of Digital Photogrammetric Workstations Laussane, 4 - 6 March 1996, Ed. / Kölbl, O. ; Proceedings of the OEEPE-Workshop on Application of Digital Photogrammetric Workstations.Lausanne, 4 - 6 March 1996
Frankfurt am Main: IfAG, 1996
Signatura: K47900
7. Magnetic Feedback of GS 15 Gravimeter and Digital Record / Chen Yi Hui ; Zhu Han Yun ; Gue Zi Qiang ; Lei Yu Tian ; et al
Beijing: State Seismological Bureau, 1985
Signatura: K45014
8. International Symposium on Modern Geodetic Measurments and Digital Techniques. Vol. I, II. Budapest, Hungary, 14-21 August, 1989 / International Symposium on Modern Geodetic Measurments and Digital Techniques. Volume I, II. Budapest, Hungary, 14-21 August 1989
Budapest: Hungar. Geod. Cartogr. Soc., 1990
Signatura: K46578/I,II
9. International Symposium on Digital topographic Cartography, Second / International Symposium on Digital topographic Cartography, Second
Plovdiv: ICA, 1986
Signatura: K45456
10. International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Commission 3. Proceedings to the Symposium From Analytical to Digital. August, 19 - 22, 1986. Lappia-House, Rovaniemi, Finland / VEB Verlade und Transportanlagen Leipzig "Paul Fröhlich" ; International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Commission 3. Proceedings to the Symposium From Analytical to digital. August, 19 - 22, 1986. Lappia-House, Rovaniemi, Finland. Dedicated to the Memory of Engineer Major General, Dr. H. c. K. G. Löfström
Leipzig: VEB Verlade und Transportanlagen Leipzig "Paul Fröhlich", 1989
Signatura: K46245/I-VII

Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK : 16 záznamu nalezeno   1 - 10další  přeskočit na záznam:
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