Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK 23 záznamu nalezeno  1 - 10dalšíkonec  přeskočit na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
1. Solving algebraic computational problems in geodesy and geoinformatics :: the answer to modern challenges / / Awange, Joseph L., ; Grafarend, Erik,
Berlin : : Springer-Verlag , , [2005] ©2005
Signatura: 50219
2. The Newton form of geodesic in Maupertius gauge on the sphere and the biaxial ellipsoid / Grafarend, E. W. ; You, R. J. ; 3th Hotine-Marussi Symposium
Stuttgart: Univesity, 1994
Signatura: K47365
3. The Multibody Spacetime Geodetic Boundary Value Problem and the Honkasalo Term / Grafarend, E. ; Sanso, F. ; XVIII General Assembly IAG Hamburg, August 15-27. 1983
Stuttgart: University , 1983
Signatura: K44268
4. The Geoid and Gravimetric. Boundary Value Problem / Grafarend, Erik W. ; 19. Inter. Association of Geodesy - Gen. Assembly, Vancouver, Aug. 9-22,1987
Stuttgart: University Stuttgart, 1987
Signatura: K45769
5. Solving algebraic computational problems in geodesy and geoinformatics : The answer to modern challlenges / Awange, Joseph L. ; Grafarend, Erik W.
Berlin: Springer, 2005
Signatura: 50476
6. Second Order Design of Geodetic Nets / Grafarend, E. W. ; International Symposium on Terrestrial Electromagnetic Distance Measurements and Atmospheric Effects on Angular Measurements, Stockholm, 19 - 24 August 1974
Bonn: Institut für Theoretische Geodäsie der Universität Bonn, 1974
Signatura: K-41484
7. Optimierung geodätischer Messoperationen / Grafarend, E. ; Heister, H. ; Kelm, R. ; Kropff, H. ; et al
Karlsruhe: Herbert Wichmann Verlag, 1979
Signatura: 42139
8. Newton mechanics as geodesie flow on Maupertuis manifolds: The local isometric embedding into flat spaces / Goenner, H. ; Grafarend, E. W. ; You, R. J. ; I. Inter. Symp. Mathem. and Physic. Foundat. Geodesy - Stuttgart 1993
Göttingen: Instit. for Theor. Physics, 1993
Signatura: K47211
9. Newton mechanics as geodesic flow on Maupertius´ manifolds: The local isometric embedding into flat soaces / Goenner, H. ; Grafarend, E. W. ; You, R. J. ; 3th Hotine-Marussi Symposium
Göttingen: University, 1993
Signatura: K47364
10. Mathematical geodetic methods for the determination of geoid and topography / Freeden, W. ; Grafarend, E. W. ; Neunzert, H. ; Mathematical-geodetic methods Workshop, Lambrecht, 1992
Darmstadt: Center Appl. Math., 1992
Signatura: K47700

Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK : 23 záznamu nalezeno   1 - 10dalšíkonec  přeskočit na záznam:
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