Žádný přesný výsledek pro IAG - Edinburgh,August 1989. nebyl nalezen, zkusme místo něj použít IAG Edinburgh August 1989 ...
Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK 14 záznamu nalezeno  1 - 10další  přeskočit na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
1. The ZIPE solution for the Erth's rotation parameters and some accuracy estimations / Montag, H. ; Gendt, G. ; IAG - gen meeting, Edinburgh, August 1989
Potsdam: Acad.Sc, 1989
Signatura: 46402
2. Statistical Testing and Quality analysis of Observations and Transformation parameters in Combining 3 - Dimensional Networks / Kösters, A.J.M. ; Kok, J.J. ; IAG - Gen.meeting, Edinburgh, August 1989
Delft: University of Technol., Delft, 1989
Signatura: K46408
3. Some first Experiences with the WM102 GPS receiver / Piechocinska, Javiga ; Sjöberg, Lars E. ; IAG meet. - Edinburgh, August 1989.
Stockholm: Royal Inst. Technol., 1989
Signatura: K46400
4. Simultaneous ostimation of the gravity field and sea surface topography from satellite Altimeter data by least squares collocation / Knudsen, Petr ; IAG - Gen.meeting, Edinburgh, August 1989 Symp. 104
Charlottenlund: Nat. Surv. and Cadastel, 1989
Signatura: K46409
5. Orbit Determination Accuracy Improvement by Space - VLBI Observables as Tracking Data / Fejes, István ; IAG Gen Meeting, Symposium 101 "Global and Regional Geodynamics", Edinburgh, Scotland 3-5 August 1989 ; IAG Gen Meeting, Symposium 101 "Global and Regional Geodynamics", Edinburgh, Scotland 3-5 August 1989
Penc: FÖMI Satellite Geodetic Observatory, 1989
Signatura: 47017
6. Optimization and design of network Computations with GPS / Marel, Hans van der ; IAG - Gen.meeting, Edinburgh, August 1989
Delft: Univ. - Geod. Comp. centre, 1989
Signatura: K46406
7. High precision Kinematic positioning Using GPS at the IGN: Recent Results / Willis, P. ; Boucher, C. ; IAG - Edinburgh,August 1989.
Saint Mandé: IGN, 1989
Signatura: K46395
8. Gravity meter Calibration at LaCoste and Romberg / Valliant, H.D. ; LaCoste, Lucien J.B. ; IAG - meeting, Edinburgh, August 1989.
Austin: LaCoste a.Rombor.Grav.Met.Inc., 1989
Signatura: K46396
9. GPS-Data preprocessing for Cycle-slip detection / Lichtenegger, H. ; Hofmann-Wellenhof, B ; IAG - Gen. Meeting. Symp. Edinburgh, August 1989
Graz: Tech. Univ. Graz, 1989
Signatura: K46407
10. Feasibility study on the Integration of GPS with a ring Laser gyro Strapdown system / Hein, Günter W. ; Eissfeller, Bernd ; IAG - Gen.meeting, Edinburgh, August 3. - 12. 1989
Neubiberg: Univers FAV Munich, 1989
Signatura: K46412

Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK : 14 záznamu nalezeno   1 - 10další  přeskočit na záznam:
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