Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK 2 záznamu nalezeno  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
1. National Report Concerning The Works Carried Out in Romanian in the Period 1991 - 1993 / Rotaru, Marian ; Sarchis, Cristian-Paul ; IAG General Meeting. Beijing, 8 - 13 August, 1993
Bucharest: Military Topographic Department, 1993
Signatura: K47209
2. Internatioal Associaton of Geodesy. General Meeting. Beijing. China 8 - 13 August 1993. Book of Abstracts / IAG General Meeting. Beijing, 8 - 13 August, 1993
Beijing: CSGPC, 1993
Signatura: K47195

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