Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK 6 záznamu nalezeno  Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
1. Yugoslav National Report / IX International Congress of Photogrammetry London 1960
Beograd: B.n., 1960
Signatura: K20929
2. Yugoslav National Report / IX International Congress of Photogrammetry London 1960
Beograd: B.n., 1960
Signatura: K20929
3. Yugoslav National Report / IX International Congress of Photogrammetry London 1960
Beograd: B.n., 1960
Signatura: K20929
4. Automatic Stereoplotting in Small- and Large-Scale Mapping / Blachut, T.J. ; Helava, U.V. ; IX International Congress of Photogrammetry London 1960
Ottawa: National Research Council of Canada, 1960
Signatura: K37449
5. American commercial practices in large topographic mapping / Friedman, Jack, S. ; The IX International Congress of Photogrammetry - London 1960
B.m.: B.n., 1960
Signatura: 20869
6. American commercial practices in large topographic mapping / Friedman, Jack, S. ; The IX International Congress of Photogrammetry - London 1960
B.m.: B.n., 1960
Signatura: 20869

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