Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK 3 záznamu nalezeno  Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
1. International Symposium "Geodesy and Physics of the Earth". 6. GDR Potsdam, August 22 - 27, 1988. Proceedings. Part 3. Recent Crustal Movements / International Symposium "Geodesy and Physics of the Earth". 6. GDR Potsdam, August 22 - 27, 1988
Potsdam: Akad. Wissensch. - Zentralinst. Physik der Erde, 1989
Signatura: K46359/III
2. International Symposium "Geodesy and Physics of the Earth". 6. GDR Potsdam, August 22 - 27, 1988. Proceedings. Part 2. Gravity field variations. Development of precise terrestrial and space techniques of geodetic measuring / International Symposium "Geodesy and Physics of the Earth". 6. GDR Potsdam, August 22 - 27, 1988
Potsdam: Akad. Wissensch. - Zentralinst. Physik der Erde, 1989
Signatura: K46359/II
3. International Symposium "Geodesy and Physics of the Earth". 6. GDR Potsdam, August 22 - 27, 1988. Proceedings. Part 1. Earth Rotation Parameters Earth tides / International Symposium "Geodesy and Physics of the Earth". 6. GDR Potsdam, August 22 - 27, 1988
Potsdam: Akad. Wissensch. - Zentralinst. Physik der Erde, 1989
Signatura: K46359/I

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