Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK 3 záznamu nalezeno  Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
1. Realization of the Hungarian National GPS network (OGPSH) / Borza, Tibor ; Kenyeres, Ambrus ; EGS, 23. gen. assembly, Nice, 20 - 25 April 1998
Budapest: FÖMI Satel. Geod. Observ., 1998
Signatura: K48372
2. Implementation of the ETRS89 in Europe: Current Status and Challenges / Bruyninx, Carine ; Altamimi, Zuheir ; Brockmann, Elmar ; Caporali, Alessandro ; et al
Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer , 2015
3. Detailed Quasigeoid Solution for Hungary and the Effect of Geoid on GPS Surveying / Kenyeres, Ambrus ; International seminar on "GPS in Central Europe", Penc, Hungery 12-14 March 1991
Penc: FÖMI Satellite Geodetic Observatory, 1991
Signatura: 47011

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