Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK 9 záznamu nalezeno  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
1. A Generalized Matrix Algebra / Bjerhammar, Arne ; Second Internat. Symposium on Geodetic Calculations Brussels, 6th - 11th June 1966
Göteborg: Elanders Boktryckeri Aktiebolag, 1958
Signatura: 29004
2. A Generalized Matrix Algebra / Bjerhammar, Arne ; Second Internat. Symposium on Geodetic Calculations Brussels, 6th - 11th June 1966
Göteborg: Elanders Boktryckeri Aktiebolag, 1958
Signatura: 29004
3. Systéme d'équations lineaires complété par une équation du second degré / Hausbrandt, Stefan ; Second Internat. Symposium on Geodetic Calculations Brussels, 6th - 11th June 1966
b.m.: Acad. Polonaise des Sciences Com. de Geod., 1966
Signatura: 29008
4. Studies With Generalized Matrix Algebra / Bjerhammar, Arne ; Second Internat. Symposium on Geodetic Calculations Brussels, 6th - 11th June 1966
Stockholm: Royal Inst. of Technology, 1966
Signatura: 29005
5. Statistical Concepts in Geodesy / Baarda, W. ; Second Internat. Symposium on Geodetic Calculations Brussels, 6th - 11th June 1966
Delft: Labor. voor Geod.Rekentechniek Tech. Hogeschool, 1966
Signatura: 29009
6. Reconstruction of functions from discrete mean values / Moritz, Helmut ; Second Internat. Symposium on Geodetic Calculations Brussels, 6th - 11th June 1966
Berlin: b.v., 1966
Signatura: 29006
7. On the Standardization of Notations / Hirvonen, R. A. ; Second Internat. Symposium on Geodetic Calculations Brussels, 6th - 11th June 1966
b.m.: b.v., 1966
Signatura: 29003
8. Statistical Concepts in Geodesy / Baarda, W. ; Second Internat. Symposium on Geodetic Calculations Brussels, 6th - 11th June 1966
Delft: Labor. voor Geod.Rekentechniek Tech. Hogeschool, 1966
Signatura: 29009
9. Application des formules cracoviennes généralisées á l' interpolation et ectrapolation directes des fonctions á une ou plusieurs variables / Senisson, Witold ; Second Internat. Symposium on Geodetic Calculations Brussels, 6th - 11th June 1966
b.m.: Acad. Polonaise des Sciences Com. de Geodésie, 1966
Signatura: 29007

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