Zeměměřická knihovna VÚGTK 4 záznamu nalezeno  Hledání trvalo 0.00 vteřin. 
1. Un projekt de definition des auteurs de cartes / Spiess, Ernst ; 6e Conférence de l´ACI á Montréal et Ottawa, August 1972
Zürich: Kartographisches Institut Eidg. Techn. Hochschule, 1972
Signatura: K36176
2. The task of the cartographer and his relationship with the map autor / Spiess, E. ; Third International Conference on Cartography, of the ICA, Amsterdam, 17 - 22 April, 1967
Zürich: Kartographisches Institut, 1967
Signatura: K30872
3. The Reed for Efficient Dase Maps in Thematik Mapiing / Spiess, Ernst ; Paper presented to the FIFTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CARTOGRAPHY, Stressa, Italy May 1970
B.m.: International Cartographic Association, 1970
Signatura: K34482
4. Some Graphic Means Establish Visual Levels in Map Design / Spiess, E. ; 9. mezinár. konf. kart., Rockville, Md. 1978
Switzerland, Zurich: [s.n.], 1978
Signatura: K41264

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