International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Volume XXXII, Part 5C1B : CIPA International Symposium 1997 : Photogrammetry in Architecture Archaeology and Urban Conservation. October 1-3, 1997. Göteborg, Sweden
Boberg, Anders ; Lagerqvist, Bosse ; CIPA International Symposium 1997 : Photogrammetry in Architecture Archaeology and Urban Conservation. October 1-3, 1997. Göteborg, Sweden

Signature: 10 488
ISSN: 0256-1840
Published: Stockholm: Swedish Soc. Photogram. and Rem. Sens. & Royal Inst. Technol.:Div. Photogram.

Extent: 273 s.
Notes: Obr., tab. - Lit. - Abstr. - Key words. - Aut. Index. - 273 s., 1 sv., 16/98, 200,-. 1997

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 Record created 2014-01-15, last modified 2018-11-27

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