Dataset of GNSS data from stations of EUREF Permanent Network in the Czech Republic - 2019
Kostelecký, Jakub

Annotation: eng Dataset of GNSS data from 2019 year: - permanent stations KUNZ, TUBO, BISK, POUS, VACO, CFRM, CLIB, CPAR, CRAK and CTAB of EUREF Permanent Network, - Regional Data Center of Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy, Germany - format RINEX, tracking interval 30 second, file length 24 hour - observation, navigation data - meteorological data from some stations

Citation: KOSTELECKÝ, Jakub. Dataset of GNSS data from stations of EUREF Permanent Network in the Czech Republic - 2019 [online]. 2019. [cit 2020-10-06]. Dostupné také z:

Publication type: datové sety

The record appears in these collections:
Focus on VÚGTK > VÚGTK Departments > Geodesy and Geodynamics
Focus on VÚGTK > Researchers > Jakub Kostelecký
Documents of VÚGTK > Grey literature VÚGTK
Focus on VÚGTK > RIV
Strock revision > NRGL

 Record created 2020-07-21, last modified 2020-10-06

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